Volume 9 (2025)
Volume 8 (2024)
Volume 7 (2023)
Volume 6 (2022)
Volume 5 (2021)
Volume 4 (2020)
Volume 3 (2018)
Volume 2 (2017)
Volume 1 (2016)
Number of Articles: 6
Mini-Review Article
A systematic review of serological and surgical cases of human hydatid cysts between 2003 and 2023 in Fars province, southern Iran
Pages 413-421
Original Article
Preliminary study of Toxocara canis Recombinant C- type Lectin as a suitable antigen for serodiagnosis of human toxocariasis
Pages 422-435
Cryptosporidium infection in lambs: prevalence and potential risk factors in villages of Mashhad city, eastern Iran
Pages 436-444
Serological prevalence of Brucellosis in horses in the suburb of Tabriz, Iran
Pages 445-451
Comparison of therapeutic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Asafoetida with metronidazole in mice infected with Giardia lamblia
Pages 452-459
Zoonotic diseases and the plight of public health awareness: a study on human perception
Pages 460-467